So...... I decided to make new rendering of the Ultracold Polar Molecules. Nobody asked me to do it, but it has been something I wanted to do for a long a while. I made my first version rendering of the Ultracold Polar Molecules a while a back and it has since been used for a cover of "Science News" (check out my older posting) and NSF has adopted the image and made the image accessible to everyone (see posting). So the original image got a lot of attention, but I was never really really satisfied with the rendering. When I made the first version, I only had a day to do it. I originally wanted to do a multi-pass rendering using Maya and Mental Ray.
Then my chance came along and I secretly decided to redo this image the way I originally intended. Jun Ye, Debbie Jin, and John Bohn were continuing to make headway with their Ultracold Polar Molecules research and the JILA Light & Matter Spring 2010 did a major feature article of their current progress on this research. The image made it to the cover of the JILA Light & Matter issue (which will be my last issued that I will be designing and producing). Its a good issue with a lot of good content and articles, and I encourage you to check it out.