
Science News front cover

My art work is on the cover of "Science News" (December 20, 2008 issue)! I think it turned out pretty good. I originally made the rendering to be submitted for the front cover of Science for Jun Ye's and Debbie Jin's article, but it unfortunately was not selected. Well I'm glad it was used for Science News cover instead. The article "Physicists Hot for Ultracold" by Laura Sanders is the article that Jun Ye was quoted in. I highly recommend you reading this article for those of you who are curious about whats up with Ultracold quantum physics AND don't usuaully read the hardcore science journal publications. Laura did a pretty good job writing article in terms that the mainstream public can understand.

I already posted a blog entry about the details of the image titled "Dense Gas of Ultracold 'Polar' Molecules"


Science & Technology Review - N204 Cover Image

(published Science & Technology Review cover)

Dr. Wen Li sent me the cover of "Science & Technology Review" which is a Chinese scientific journal. I already posted a blog entry about the N2O4 titled "Science Cover and Figures - N2O4 Probed using High Harmonic Generation" so check out the details from there.

I don't know if I will be able to score a physical print version of the journal, but Im going to try. If anybody runs across one and doesn't want their copy, let me know.